The 21st Century Solution To A Centuries Old Problem

The Use of Ozonated Water In Dental

Masterclass by Dr Jason Pang

Transform patient health and accelerate your dental practice in 90 days or less

Learn about Video Microscope Oral Pathogen testing and treatment protocol training from The Larkin Protocol today.

The Larkin Protocol

Founded by Dr Tom Larkin and Sue Rusalen, The Larkin Protocol unlocks a new future for your patients and practice by bringing dentistry and medicine together.

Find out more.

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A place for oral health professionals to connect and share experiences, learning and insights.

We'll also be sharing insights on how to:

- Grow your hygiene department & accelerate your dental practice

- Introduce video microscope oral pathogen testing & training into your practice

- Remunerate & incentivise your hygienist so they are inspired to grow with your business

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